Rental Housing Association of Puget Sound

Rental Housing Association of Puget Sound[1] is a 4,400 member non-profit organization of rental housing owners (single family homes to multi-family communities) in the State of Washington. The group's objectives are to oversee the general welfare of the rental housing industry, lead advocacy efforts, provide continuous development of skills and knowledge, and assist members to provide appropriate services to the renting public.



RHA represent the interests of rental housing owners to state and local legislative bodies, news media & general public. The organization is also involved in educating and getting members involved about issues affecting the rental housing industry. RHA offers educational programs which enhance the rental property owner’s knowledge and provides different forums for knowledge sharing and social interaction. RHA also offers products and services the rental property owner needs to be successful, while encouraging the highest standards of ethics and integrity for members. RHA also promotes the value of the rental housing industry to the community and educates renters about the process of becoming a tenant and being a good tenant.


The RHA staff studies the regular meeting agendas of the local Washington State governments (as well as the county itself), meets with city and county council members and reports to their board about any issues which affect the local community.

When King County and several cities considered adoption of just cause eviction ordinances similar to that in Seattle, RHA's efforts helped lead to the rejection of that ordinance

Approximately 40% of RHA's budget is derived from membership dues. The balance comes from services to members such as sales of legal forms and the credit check program and advertising by our associate members. RHA expenses, however, are directed to providing either direct member service (such as our seminar programs) or indirect member services. This is the part of the budget which goes to fund statewide and local government legislative efforts.


  1. ^ rha-ps

